Just as the Phoenix rises from the fire,

transitioning from death into life,

so too will you rise again,

healed and renewed


With strong ties to the energetics and esoteric side of things, the path to this point is certainly not straight. Much like a labyrinth it has bends, twists and many dead ends, yet they have all led to this point. Right now.

My background spans, not just decades, but lifetimes full of metaphysics, art, yoga, meditation, energy work, healings, esoteric practises, as well as more formal corporate experience and psychology trainings.

During our sessions together I pass on my learnings and teachings to those that are willing and ready to receive.

With gratitude

Casey - Sakti Rising

  • Focus

    Start by learning how to focus on what you want.

  • Reflect

    Reflect on what may be blocking you, and learn how to overcome these obstacles.

  • Refine

    We are continually refining what we’ve learned. Think of this as your new beginning.

What People Are Saying


“Casey is amazing. In all of the sessions I've had with her, I've come away with a deeper understanding of myself, my body, and the stresses and feelings that I carry with me. Casey has a very calm manner and, as a person who does not sleep easily, I find myself deeply relaxed after each session. I have felt significant shifts in my body, I always walk away feeling lighter, unburdened, and with a clear mind. She is a talented healer. I highly recommend her.”

— A.W.

“If you don’t believe in magic, let me tell you this: it exists, and you have everything within you to make this magic happen. And you will be able to figure this all out with the tools Casey will give you in addition to her guidance.

I will be forever grateful to Casey for showing me this beautiful path.”

— J.O.

“I have been noticing how much more calm and at ease in my life especially when making difficult decisions. I have also been noticing during my sessions, how much more intuitive I am and after each session I have so much clarity. It is like a dimmer switch has been turned all the way up and I can now see everything so clearly.”

— S.W